OCTAGON - A personal archive from A to Z!

Greetings, fellow traveller, and welcome to my personal art archive!

Octagon is supposed to be a comprehensive guide to all the stuff that I want to show off. Visual, audial, or written works: Whatever!

Aside from that, I want to keep this a tidy place. It's an attempt to revamp my first coding project, ceterumcenseo (also hosted here on NeoCities). I'm aiming for an accessible, responsive design that's visually appealing and easy to navigate, but... you know, I'm also just a nineteen-year-old with WIFI :P

Not much more to say except: Have fun and if you are inclined to comment on any of my work(s), you can do so on my NeoCities-profile!

Let me find you something...
I'm feeling lucky!